Thursday, February 6, 2014

In a sex offender case in Texas, if the victim becomes legal age while the defendant is on probation, can they talk? Or is there a law that ...


In a sex offender case in Texas, if the victim becomes legal age while the defendant is on probation, can they talk? Or is there a law that says he can not talk to the victim even with consent?


Sure they can talk! But if it violates a condition of the offender's probation that he/she have "no contact with the victim", the offender may find him or herself arrested and taken into custody. My experience has been that the probationer will be on the express train to TDCJ.

There is no law. The offender AGREED to accept the conditions of probation at the time of his/her plea and sentencing. This is a contract with the state. Violate the terms and conditions of the contract and you will find yourself facing a revocation of probation and a prison sentence. Texas Justice 101.

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