Saturday, October 18, 2014

i was given lifetime medical, workers comp. never used it, but now i need to. how do i go about it


i was given lifetime medical, workers comp. never used it, but now i need to. how do i go about it


YOU GET a copy of the "lifetime medical" document (Findings & Award at trial?? Award on Stipulations With Request For Award) and get clear on which exact body parts the insurer has agreed will require further medical treatment.

THEN YOU GO to the Insurer's MEDICAL PROVIDER NETWORK website and find a doctor in the specialty you require for that body part and start your research: are they still in business at that place, are they 'in bed' with the insurer and you won't get any actual care, and which very very few are friendly to the injured worker.

Then make a WRITTEN DEMAND to the insurance company that they authorized this doctor you've thorough researched on their MPN List and insist that this doctor be authorized in about 3 days (or you'll get ignored).

When the adjuster ignores you anyway, you file to a hearing at the WCAB where the judge signed the approval of that award of lifetime medical.

GETTING AN AWARD of lifetime medical ain't all it's cracked up to be.

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