Saturday, October 18, 2014

My boyfriend has temp sole custody of his daughter and had to also provide contact and location as to where his daughter would be living whe...


My boyfriend has temp sole custody of his daughter and had to also provide contact and location as to where his daughter would be living when not with her mother. Does the mother have to provide a location and telephone communication if she has a cell phone as well? Mother refuses to give cell number to him in fear of getting her in trouble, and gave him her mothers number to be contacted. Her mother (daughters grandma) is legally not allowed to have family within her house staying there. Would it hurt him in the long run ifhe refused to give the baby over to her for visitation when she has not and will not give him any information of where she takes the baby, any communication and brings a different person with her each time? He feels that she tries to hide from him when she takes the baby, due to previous physical abuse to the child, him and his family included.


Boyfriend's primary responsibility is the safety of his daughter. He is entitled to know where she is, and also how to contact the mother. He should refuse to allow mother to take the child unless he knows where the daughter is and with whom she is with.

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