Saturday, April 26, 2014

can you sue someone for posting a nude picture of you on the internet


can you sue someone for posting a nude picture of you on the internet


Why yes, you can.

This is often called "revenge porn" and is a hotly contested aspect of privacy right now. See VA debate on the topic:

Unlawful dissemination or sale of images of another. Provides that a person is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor if he, with the intent to cause substantial emotional distress, disseminates or sells any videotape, photograph, film, or other videographic or still image or reproduction thereof that depicts another person who is totally nude, in a state of undress, or engaged in sexual conduct where such person knows or has reason to know that he is not licensed or privileged to do so and the person depicted suffers substantial emotional distress. This bill was incorporated into HB 326.

In fact, in many instances, it can be deemed illegal and you can prosecute them. However, given the nature of the rather confidential aspect of your case, I'll refrain from going further. Rather, give us a ring and we can discuss how and what is involved with this. 1-800-579-9864.

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