Saturday, April 26, 2014

I work for a major corporation. I'm a director with 22 years of high performance reviews. I've just been told my position will be downgraded...


I work for a major corporation. I'm a director with 22 years of high performance reviews. I've just been told my position will be downgraded and I will not receive a severance package if I don't want to stay. For past 2 years, I've worked for a man who has made degrading comments, refused to acknowledge my presence and does not communicate with me. He has made it impossible to do my job. He even gave me a poor performance rating without even talking to me about any issues. Do I have a case for hostile work environment?


No, not based solely on what you described.


A hostile environment in itself is not illegal. It's only illegal if the basis for the hostility is an illegal basis:race, color, religion, creed, gender, national origin age (if you're at least 40) disability (if you are qualified for the job), membership in the armed forces.

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