Friday, April 25, 2014

Received enforcement hearing notice last week as the respondent along with DOR. The hearing will be in a few days. Unable to travel since I ...


Received enforcement hearing notice last week as the respondent along with DOR. The hearing will be in a few days. Unable to travel since I am out of state. Called court and immediately sent request to be able to call in. They got the request but there was no answer after a week. Follow up call made and told to fax request to another number.

If they do not respond on time then I have to miss hearing. That is unfair.

What are my options?

Responses like, DOR will have my back, or call my office for a consult would not be helpful right now.


If you are out of state and the receiver of child support track down the hearing officers phone number and fax and file a request to appear by telephone. Go to the clerk web-site to get the number. Contact my office for free consultation 727-446-7659


What about DOR would you expect to be fair? They are the Gestapo. Call the Hearing Officer direct ASAP.

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