Wednesday, April 23, 2014

my husband recently signed power of attorney over to my cousin we are not married but are still together in a relationship I however did not...


my husband recently signed power of attorney over to my cousin we are not married but are still together in a relationship I however did not sign the power of attorney does that make any kind of a difference? while being investigated by cps. a few weeks ago cps decided to close their case while still my kids resided with my cousin, now my cousin is seeking full custody and child support - how is this even possible? I never gave my parental rights up nor was I stripped of my parental rights. I do not have much money, I plan to represent myself. what forms do I need to file?


You need to find an attorney in your county to help you. Look on this website and for help.

You should be "served" with legal papers. You need to file a document called "Answer" with the court basically stating that you don't agree. Make 3 copies - keep one & send one to the person (or the attorney). Get a file stamped copy of the document to show that you filed it. You can go and read the court's file in the courtroom since it's public information.

There are forms in the Texas Family Practice Manual that most attorneys use. These are the master forms and you need to modify them to suit your case. Look in a law library for this set for form books. I also recommend reading the Texas Family Code.

You really need an attorney.

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