Thursday, April 24, 2014

my grandaughter was arrested for secoond degree battery for trying todefend her self from a big 250 lb. man . she was out on bond and had a ...


my grandaughter was arrested for secoond degree battery for trying todefend her self from a big 250 lb. man . she was out on bond and had a court date that she did not get notified off and had moved about thrr weeks before the court date and so she missed the date and just found out from the bondsman that she has an arrest warrant out and the bond was doubled. what can she do?? the court appointed attorney does not seem towant to help her in any way.


First and foremost, your granddaughter has to contact the Court-Appointed attorney. She should ask questions regarding whether or not he/she can contact the court and get the hearing rescheduled and then find about getting the arrest warrant lifted. If your granddaughter no longer wants to retain the services of the court-appointed attorney, then she will definitely need to get another attorney. It is not a good idea for her to represent herself in this instance. Attorney know the ends and outs of the legal system and are in a better position to maneuver through the process and assist your granddaughter. Good Luck!

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