Friday, April 25, 2014

Mother death youngest sibling filed petition with court for administrator-- we signed paper before court date. nowill involved. house appra...


Mother death; youngest sibling filed petition with court for administrator-- we signed paper before court date. nowill involved. house appraised at 27000 and 1985 chevy car and some house items. youngest has joint tenancy with check book. how do we find out about annuity and cd's and what was in checking account.. also the dates this came about. legaly what are we entitled to know. no communication with other siblings for last 6-7 mos. help!!!!!!!!!!


Ask the administrator. You may have signed a waiver of notice, but you did not waive your rights to an inventory and accounting of what's in the estate. You will have to have received this information before the estate can be closed.

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