Sunday, April 27, 2014

I purchased a car with 800 dollars down with a written agreement that I would pay another 1000 in two 500 dollars payments every two weeks ...


I purchased a car with 800 dollars down with a written agreement that I would pay another 1000 in two 500 dollars payments every two weeks; however upon delivery of the car it did not start.the owner told he he would fix it no problem it was minor. Two weeks later he told me he didn't get the car fix because he didn't have the money. At that point I told him fine ill get the car fix myself we will just call it even he agreed and signed the title over to me the same day. Now he is suing me for missed payments even though The title is in my name.

Answer forgot the part where it didn't cost $1000 to fix it and you didn't get a signed BILL OF SALE.

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