Saturday, April 26, 2014

On June 16 I entered into an agreement to sell my house in CT. The house was supposed to close on July 23. That date came and went because t...


On June 16 I entered into an agreement to sell my house in CT. The house was supposed to close on July 23. That date came and went because the buyer was delayed getting financing approved. His agent requested and I approved an extension to July 30. That date came and went for the same reason. They requested another extension to August 7 and I agreed. I indicated to my agent at that time that I wished to notify the buyer that if we did not have a clear to close by August 7 that I wanted my house back on the market August 8 and that if I received an offer before they came to us with a clear to close I was going to accept that offer. The house was relisted on Saturday, August 8 and on Monday August 10 I received a full price offer on the house. I instructed my agent to notify the initial buyer that we had an offer in hand and that if they could not come back with a clear to close by August 13 I was going to accept the new offer. No clear to close was forthcoming, so on the 14th I signed the new agreement. The Agent for the original buyer is now accusing my Agent of wrongdoing, stating that he had a contract with us and it is not legal for me to sign with another buyer while under contract with him. I don't want to keep his down payment or anything like that - I just want him to go away. Meanwhile I am paying daily penalties on a property I purchased in AZ - which I was supposed to pay for when my house in CT closed. The other side was aware of the necessity to close in a timely fashion. Did my agent mess up here? Am I liable for something here??


I'd have to see the correspondence. There are some magic words that may be dispositive of this issue, but, in general, I think you are off the hook.

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