Sunday, April 13, 2014

I friend of mine got pulled over in Howard county in Big Springs Tx. The city police found 60.00 $ of herion The police took the drugs and l...


I friend of mine got pulled over in Howard county in Big Springs Tx. The city police found 60.00 $ of herion The police took the drugs and let him go. Then six months later he had three warrants for manufacturing and delivering of less then a gram how can that happen ?


This happens all the time. You are unfamiliar with police procedures. The police are well within the law to question your friend, properly identify him and then send the suspected drugs to the DPS crime lab in Lubbock. If the lab returns a finding that the drugs are heroin, the police may seek a warrant or warrants for his arrest. He will find himself in the district court of Howard County pretty soon! Suggestion: Hire a competent criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.

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