Monday, April 14, 2014

I was arressted and charged w accessory and harboring a fugitive. The m.a.g.e.c team. Officers believed their suspect was in my home and wan...


I was arressted and charged w accessory and harboring a fugitive. The m.a.g.e.c team. Officers believed their suspect was in my home and wanted me to give them permission to enter my home. I didn't want allow them to go into my home and ram sak it(which they did ne way) so I didn't allow them to enter and so they held me in the police car until they got a search warrent. Myself nor ne1 in my home is on probation or parole, ive never been in trouble. I feel like I'm being charged w a crime for excersizing my rights. Am I wrong? Will I be convicted?


You have a case that is factually intensive and is not subject to a ready answer on the internet. I suggest that you keep quiet and get yourself a skilled criminal defense attorney immediately.


As a Former Deputy District Attorney, with over 25 years of experience handling cases just like yours, I can tell you that your case is very serious and it's impossible to tell you how the cases will resolve. You need a good lawyer who will fight for you, to try to get the charges dropped or reduced. I wish you well.......David

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