Friday, April 11, 2014

I was charged with possession of marijuana and the ticket say i had 26 grams but i didn't have 26 grams. all i had was 1 blunt


I was charged with possession of marijuana and the ticket say i had 26 grams but i didn't have 26 grams. all i had was 1 blunt


Anyone who is unjustly charged with a crime they did not do has a duty to fight the case, since nobody but you and your legal team are likely to protect your rights in our legal system. Your odds of success, however, will be low without representation by an experienced criminal lawyer.

My answer does not automatically make me your attorney, so you need to consult with your own attorney before acting upon any of my comments and may contact my office at 333 Main St, Racine, WI 53403, 262-633-3090, during business hours, or see me on the web at or past online answers at the following links: http://www./answers/atty_profile/view_attorney_profile/jknixonAttorney or at . Answers may contain advertising materials. .

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