Monday, April 14, 2014

My daughter is a US citizen living in Spain for the past 10 years. She married a man from Belgium 3 years ago and they have one child. They ...


My daughter is a US citizen living in Spain for the past 10 years. She married a man from Belgium 3 years ago and they have one child. They plan to move to Oregon this summer. Would it be better for him to start the paper work in Spain for his green card or wait until they move here? Do you think there will be any problems with his eligibility? How long will it take? How much will it cost?


Since she has lived outside the U.S. for 10 years, her spouse will not be able to get a greencard until she re-establishes domicile in the United States. If she is not going to work, she will need a U.S. citizen to be the financial affidavit of support co-sponsor.

This situation is far too complicated for this type of forum & thus she should consult with an experienced U.S. immigration attorney about this matter.


There are so many issues that must be taken into account. An immigration attorney will offer you advise and quote you fees for the whole process.

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