Monday, April 21, 2014

On July 31,2014 I filed a chapter 7 bankruptcy. On Aug 1,2014 as I was leaving work I fell in the parking lot and broke my ankle. There is n...


On July 31,2014 I filed a chapter 7 bankruptcy. On Aug 1,2014 as I was leaving work I fell in the parking lot and broke my ankle. There is no workers comp case because my employer does not carry workers comp. I am no longer employed there. My insurance co wants to know if I will be filing a claim/lawsuit against my former employer.As of yet I have not decided what to do..If it comes down to having to file a claim how will this affect the bankruptcy ? Thanks


Certainly worth talking to a lawyer about. Not sure if your former employer is the owner of the parking lot property. Take pictures now of any pavement defect that might have contributed to the trip and fall. VTY, M. E. Zuller

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