Sunday, April 13, 2014

We live in Nevada. I'm the non-custodial father of a 12 year old I felt it appropriate to have a sex chat with my daughter gave her cond...


We live in Nevada. I'm the non-custodial father of a 12 year old & I felt it appropriate to have a sex chat with my daughter & gave her condoms for her protection. The custodial-mother found out, called me a pervert & threatened to call Child Protective Services on me.

My question is what are the laws in NV for handing out your kids condoms and what can CPS do against me at this point?

Thank you for your time.


Although your narrative lacks some contextual detail, this does appear to be an overreaction by your ex, and I suspect her threats to report this event to CPS are inflated. I am assuming you are still a joint "legal" custodian, and therefore, as your child's parent this was not an inappropriate conversation for you to have with her. If your ex reports to CPS, and "IF" CPS contacts you for an interview, I suggest contacting a family law attorney with some criminal investigation/defense background and discuss the matter with him or her before submitting to an interview. I doubt CPS would do anything without wanting to talk to you first, but exceptions can happen.

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