Monday, April 21, 2014

I need an attorney pro bono. I live in Woodstock, Ga. (45 mins N. of Atl.) I have searched and tried to get some help, with no success. I ha...


I need an attorney pro bono. I live in Woodstock, Ga. (45 mins N. of Atl.)

I have searched and tried to get some help, with no success. I have only made things worse by going pro si.

I am a single father with two girls 6 & 10. If I don't have a lawyer to speak for me and my girls. I will lose them after 3 years of hard work. I am willing to do as much or the running, filling paper work w/the Clerk of the Court and anything else to help. I also can trade out Home Remodeling work.

I know cash talks and everything else walks. I am trying to save my daughters well being and future.


You won't find attorneys pro bono online, as attorneys rely on agencies to screeen cases where a person, because of poverty is indigent. That means call Georgia Legal Services and the Atlanta Lawyers Volunteer Foundation. Your county bar may also have a panel. Note that if you are working you probably will have to pay for a lawyer. This is a time when you do what you have to do - since you say you do home remodeling - one project would pay the retainer. Or use your credit cards, borrow on your home, or borrow from family. If push comes to shove, mow all the yards in your area and clean the gutters. Be aware that every day you are pro se you hurt your case.

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