Friday, April 18, 2014

My elderly father pasted and it appears left everything to my step-mother. He was sick for apprx.10 yrs. and she was his primary care giver....


My elderly father pasted and it appears left everything to my step-mother. He was sick for apprx.10 yrs. and she was his primary care giver. In that 10 years she had him change his will a number of times. He had become a recluse taking medication including Xanax which he came addicted too. Now that he is gone. She won't talk to my sister and I. We were left out of the will. I believe his estate was worth $ 500,000 with stocks and bonds and property. As his blood children. Are we entitled to any of it ?


Children are not entitled by statute to a share of an estate if they are cut out of the Will. The first thing to do is check to see if the Will has been filed in Probate in the county where your father lived prior to his death. If you have been disinherited you can challenge the Will as being created due to undue influence

One of the critical points will be their relationship and the length of their marriage, Such litigation is expensive, You will need facts to support the allegations.

Start by getting a copy of the Will and then contact an attorney.

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